MATH 601 -分析学入门(4)
本课程提供了方法的介绍性概述, 统计和数据分析领域的概念和当前实践. 涉及的主题包括数据收集, 数据分析和可视化以及概率, 知情决策的统计推断和回归方法. 学生将使用当前的统计软件探索这些主题. 一些重点也将给予数据分析的道德原则.
DATA 605 -数据可视化 & 报告(4)
本课程侧重于收集, preparing, 并分析数据以创建可视化, dashboards, 以及可用于传达关键业务见解的故事. Students will learn how to structure and streamline data analysis projects and highlight their implications efficiently using the most popular visualization tools used by businesses today.
DATA 611 -应用机器学习(4)
本课程探讨机器学习的两个主要领域:监督和无监督. 主题包括线性和逻辑回归, 概率推理, 支持向量机, 人工神经网络, clustering, 还有降维, 和编程.
ISEC 610 -资讯保障(4)
本课程涵盖了企业环境中的安全基础知识. 包括对风险和漏洞的覆盖, 威胁建模, 政策的形成, 控制和保护方法, 加密和身份验证技术, 网络安全, 密码学, 人员和人身安全问题, 还有道德和法律问题. This foundational course serves as an introduction to many of the subsequent topics discussed in depth in later security courses. 注意:本课程有监考考试。. 如果学生使用在线监考,这个考试需要额外的技术.
ISEC 620 -软件及应用程序保安(4)
今天,从金融到制造业,软件几乎是所有企业的核心. Software pervades everyday life in expected places like phones and computers but also in places that you may not consider such as toasters, thermostats, automobiles, 甚至是灯泡. Security flaws in software can have impacts ranging from inconvenient to damaging and even catastrophic when it involves life-critical systems. 如何设计和构建软件以最小化缺陷的存在或减轻它们的影响? 本课程着重于识别软件开发过程, model, 并减轻对各种软件的威胁. 主题包括威胁建模框架, 攻击树, 攻击库, 防守战术, 安全软件开发生命周期, web, cloud, 还有人为因素.
ISEC 640 -密码学(4)
The cryptographic primitives of enciphering/deciphering and hashing are the two main methods of preserving confidentiality and integrity of data at rest and in transit. 因此,加密技术的研究是安全从业人员的主要兴趣. This course will cover the important principles in historical and modern 密码学 including the underlying information theory, 数学, 和随机性. 重要的技术,如流密码和分组密码, 对称和非对称密码学, 公开密码匙基础设施, 并将探索密钥交换. Finally, 哈希和消息身份验证码将作为保持数据完整性的一种方式进行检查.
COMP 645 -面向对象设计 & 练习(4)
本课程概述了当前软件开发和软件设计的实践, 特别是在面向对象的设计领域. 本课程将考察和对比当前和领先的方法和实践, 包括敏捷, 极限编程, 测试驱动设计, patterns, 面向方面的编程, 模型驱动的体系结构, 统一建模语言, 集成开发环境.
COMP 650 —系统架构 & 工程(4)
本课程涵盖软件系统工程的主题. Its scope is the design of the overall architecture for software systems with emphasis on distributed architectures. The issues in an architecture centered software development cycle and project management are addressed.
COMP 670 -人工智能的应用(4)
本课程从应用的角度介绍人工智能(AI). After an introduction of some basic concepts and techniques (such as searching and knowledge representation), the course illustrates both the theoretical foundation and application of these techniques with examples from a variety of problems.
该课程调查了广泛的人工智能活跃领域,如机器学习, 人工神经网络, 进化计算, robotics, 智能代理和仿生人工智能方法. 它在工程方法和理论之间取得了平衡.
Exercises include hands-on application of basic AI techniques as well as selection of appropriate technologies for a given problem. The principal topics in the selected areas are also coupled with projects where groups of students will participate in the creation of AI-based applications.
COMP 610 -计算机科学实习(1-4)
This course provides MSCS students the opportunity to further their education with relevant work experience in the field of 计算机科学. 这个实习是学生、教师和就业主管之间的一个持续的研讨会. 它涉及学习合同(课程实践培训[CPT]信息), or other), 定期与教师代表会面, 和专业经验的水平相当于MSCS计划的其他选修课程. 学习合同中规定了需要提交的材料. 不能保证所有申请者都能参加.
COMP 699 -研究生计算机科学独立研究(1-4)
Independent studies courses allow students in good academic standing to pursue learning in areas not covered by the regular curriculum or to extend study in areas presently taught. 学习在教师监督下进行,成绩为及格/无学分. 面向国际学生, 经课程主席批准,课程实践训练可作为独立学习. (详见《十大正规赌博平台大全排行》的“独立研究”部分.)